South Florida Congenital Heart Walk

Sunday, October 31, 2021
Virtual Event

Event Venue: After careful consideration and in furtherance of our mission, the 2021 South Florida Congenital Heart Walk on 10/31 will be held Virtually. Our overall Walk Week program will include the following:

Event Date:

● Walk Week (October 28 - 29, 2021) – Our 2-day Walk Week program will include the following, and with your help, helping to bring together Heart Warrior and Heart Angel families, cardiologists, researchers and medical professionals together.

A live, family-friendly evening Meet and Greet dinner on Thursday, 10/28, as we bring available participants and interested families together. More details to come.
On Friday evening 10/29, we’ll host two live Zoom gatherings, including CHD Bingo at 5 p.m. EST, and our Heart Angel Luminary Lighting at 6 p.m. EST.
Please email Monica Nelson,, for more information.

● Walk Day - (October 31, 2021) - Join us live at 10 a.m. EST at our South Florida Congenital Heart Walk Facebook page for our Welcome, Mission updates, Moment of Silence and Heart Angel Remembrance, Research Remarks, Acknowledgments, Awards and Entertainment! Then, wherever you Walk, plesae share your photos by tagging us (@WalkforCHDResearch) and using hashtags (#WalkForCHDResearch, #SouthFloridaCHDWalk, #SouthFloridaCHW)! Detailed schedule to follow.

All Heart Angel families are invited to send a photo or other remembrance of your Heart Angel, to be included in our on-screen Walk Day remembrance. Please email your Angel’s name, photo, message or other remembrance to and indicate the South Florida Congenital Heart Walk in the Email subject line. Please email at least two days before Walk Day.